Saturday, January 5, 2008

Términos Médicos en Inglés

¡Ojo con los siguientes términos!

El humor es una forma buena de progresar en un idioma extranjero. Además de desarrollar la comprensión, aumenta la confianza y el orgullo propio al entrar en el duende de otro idioma.

Son el fruto de una imaginación demasiado fértil.

Si agarras la onda de todas, comprobarás que dominas bastante bien el Inglés.

Si no captas una alusión, pide ayuda a tus compañeros del blog.

Anally - occurring yearly
Artery - study of paintings
Bacteria -back door of cafeteria
Barium - what doctors do when treatment fails
Benign - what you be after you be eight
Bowel - letter like A.E.I.O.U
Caesarean section - district in Rome
Cat scan - searching for kitty
Cauterize - made eye contact with her
Colic - sheep dog
Coma - a punctuation mark
Congenital - friendly
D&C - where Washington is
Diarrhea - journal of daily events
Dilate - to live long
Enema - not a friend
Fester - quicker
Fibula - a small lie
Genital - non-Jewish
G.I. Series - soldiers' ball game
Grippe - suitcase
Hangnail – coat hook
Impotent - distinguished, well known
Intense pain - torture in a tepee
Labour pain - got hurt at work
Medical staff - doctor's cane
Morbid - higher offer
Nitrate - cheaper than day rate
Node - was aware of
Outpatient - person who had fainted
Pap smear - fatherhood test
Pelvis - cousin of Elvis
Post operative - letter carrier
Protein - favouring young people
Rectum - damn near killed 'em
Recovery room - place to do upholstery
Rheumatic - amorous
Scar - rolled tobacco leaf
Secretion - hiding anything
Seizure - Roman emperor
Serology - study of knighthood
Tablet - small table
Terminal illness - sickness at airport
Tibia - country in North Africa
Tumour - an extra pair
Urine - opposite of you're out
Varicose - located nearby
Vein - conceited

Si quieres añadir un término, inclúyelo en tu próximo aporte.


Anonymous said...

Why are tumour and labour spelt with a "u"?

Americamba said...

Many similar words (such as flavor, harbor, savor, saviour, rumour etc. etc. ) are spelled with "u" in Great Britain and in countries influenced by Britain.

In the United States the letter "u" is not usually used. It is better to spell the word the way it is used where you are.

Remember "When in Rome, do as the Romans do"